Python API

In this tutorial we will detail the usage of the Python API with real-world data, showing how to integrate tspex with popular packages such as pandas and seaborn.


In this tutorial we are going to use data from the Genotype-Tissue Expression (GTEx) project, which provides a large catalogue of gene expression across 54 human tissues. In order to speed up the calculations and make the figures clearer, we are going to use only five tissues: Bladder, Liver, Lung, Pancreas and Stomach.

import tspex
import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns
gtex_link = ''
expression_data = pd.read_csv(gtex_link, sep='\t', index_col='gene_id', skiprows=2)
expression_data = expression_data.loc[:, ['Bladder', 'Liver', 'Lung', 'Pancreas', 'Stomach']]

We'll remove genes that are not expressed in any of the five tissues.

expression_data = expression_data.loc[(expression_data > 0).any(axis=1)]
(31872, 5)
Bladder Liver Lung Pancreas Stomach
ENSG00000223972.4 0.05878 0.06259 0.06655 0.027255 0.063895
ENSG00000227232.4 14.24000 5.40600 13.68000 5.553000 9.342500
ENSG00000243485.2 0.06097 0.08316 0.06216 0.034055 0.078575
ENSG00000237613.2 0.04113 0.03354 0.03790 0.022915 0.043800
ENSG00000268020.2 0.00000 0.02959 0.00000 0.000000 0.000000

The TissueSpecificity class

The usage of the tspex module is centered on the creation and analysis of TissueSpecificity objects. In order to create these objects, two parameters are required: (1) a pandas DataFrame containing gene expression data and (2) a tissue-specificity metric.

    Create an object of the TissueSpecificity class.

    expression_data : pandas.core.frame.DataFrame
        Pandas DataFrame containing the expression matrix, with rows
        corresponding to genes and columns to tissues/conditions.
    method : str
        A string representing which tissue-expression metric should be
        calculated. One of: 'counts', 'tau', 'gini', 'simpson',
        'shannon_specificity', 'roku_specificity', 'tsi', 'zscore', 'spm',
        'spm_dpm', 'js_specificity', 'js_specificity_dpm'.
    log : bool, default False
        Log-transform the expression matrix before computing tissue-specificity
        by taking the base-2 logarithm of one plus the expression values. By
        default, no transformation is performed.
    transform : bool, default True
        Transform the tissue-specificity values so that they range from 0
        (perfectly ubiquitous) to 1 (perfectly tissue-specific). By default, the
        value is transformed. The following metrics are affected by changes in
        this parameter: 'gini', 'simpson', 'shannon_specificity',
        'roku_specificity', 'zscore'.
    threshold : int or float, default 0
        Value above which the gene is considered to be expressed. By default,
        any positive expression value is considered. Only the 'counts' metric
        is affected by changes in this parameter.

    expression_data : pandas.DataFrame
        Expression matrix used to compute the tissue-specificity values. If the
        log parameter was set to True, the values will be log-transformed.
    tissue_specificity : pandas.Series or pandas.DataFrame
        Tissue-specificity values computed from the input expression matrix.

The nonobligatory parameters (log, transform and threshold) and the object attributes (expression_data and tissue_specificity) will be explained throughout the tutorial.

Tissue-specificity metrics

tspex provides twelve different tissue-specificity metrics that can be divided into two groups: - General scoring metrics: Describe in a single value how tissue-specific or ubiquitous is a gene across all tissues (counts, tau, gini, simpson, shannon_specificity, roku_specificity, spm_dpm and js_specificity_dpm). - Individualized scoring metrics: Quantify how specific is the expression of each gene to each tissue (tsi, zscore, spm and js_specificity).

Example 1: General scoring metric

In this example we are going to quantify the tissue-specificity of each gene using the Tau metric, which is a general scoring metric. Therefore, we will get a single tissue-specificity score per gene.

When creating a TissueSpecificity object, you can choose to log-transform the expression values before quantifying tissue-specificity.

tso = tspex.TissueSpecificity(expression_data, 'tau', log=True)

The log-transformed expression matrix is stored in the expression_data attribute, which is a regular pandas DataFrame.

Bladder Liver Lung Pancreas Stomach
ENSG00000223972.4 0.057117 0.060709 0.064429 0.026890 0.061937
ENSG00000227232.4 2.723924 1.857235 2.686486 1.879923 2.336262
ENSG00000243485.2 0.059184 0.079883 0.060305 0.033488 0.075641
ENSG00000237613.2 0.040307 0.032990 0.037199 0.022656 0.042868
ENSG00000268020.2 0.000000 0.029161 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000

The computed tissue-specificity values are stored in the tissue_specificity attribute that, in this case, is an one-dimensional pandas Series.

ENSG00000223972.4    0.1981
ENSG00000227232.4    0.1960
ENSG00000243485.2    0.2845
ENSG00000237613.2    0.2235
ENSG00000268020.2    1.0000
dtype: float64

Any of the Series' methods can be used to inspect tissue_specificity.

tso.tissue_specificity.quantile([0.5, 0.75, 0.95])
0.50    0.502950
0.75    0.761925
0.95    1.000000
dtype: float64

Two visualization methods are available in tspex: plot_histogram and plot_heatmap.

plot_histogram can be used to verify the distribution of the tissue-specificity values.


Whereas plot_heatmap may be used to visualize the amount of genes that are specific for each tissue.

tso.plot_heatmap(threshold=0.8, sort_genes=True, use_zscore=True, gene_names=False)

Example 2: Individualized scoring metric

In some cases we may be interested in discovering genes that are specifically expressed in one or more tissues of interest. In this situation, general scoring metrics are not be the best choice, as they would only tell us how tissue-specific is each gene, regardless of the tissue.

Accordingly, in this example we are going to quantify the tissue-specificity of each gene using the SPM metric, an individualized scoring metric.

tso = tspex.TissueSpecificity(expression_data, 'spm', log=True)

As the SPM metric computes how specific each gene is in each tissue, the tissue_specificity attribute is a two-dimensional pandas DataFrame.

Bladder Liver Lung Pancreas Stomach
ENSG00000223972.4 0.4565 0.4852 0.5149 0.2149 0.4950
ENSG00000227232.4 0.5235 0.3569 0.5163 0.3613 0.4490
ENSG00000243485.2 0.4147 0.5598 0.4226 0.2347 0.5301
ENSG00000237613.2 0.5020 0.4108 0.4633 0.2822 0.5339
ENSG00000268020.2 0.0000 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000

To inspect the distribution of the tissue-specificity values separately for each tissue, we can use the violinplot function from the seaborn package.

sns.violinplot(x="variable", y="value", inner=None, scale="count", color='C0',

The query method can be used to select genes that satisfy certain criteria. In this case, we are selecting genes that are preferentially expressed in the bladder and lung.

selected_genes_specificity = tso.tissue_specificity.query('Bladder >= 0.6 & Lung >= 0.6')
(1282, 5)
selected_genes_expression = tso.expression_data.reindex(selected_genes_specificity.index)
Bladder Liver Lung Pancreas Stomach
ENSG00000228526.2 0.6410 0.1192 0.6566 0.2270 0.3038
ENSG00000233623.2 0.6775 0.1907 0.6832 0.1948 0.0000
ENSG00000171819.4 0.7653 0.0433 0.6072 0.0858 0.1908
ENSG00000202461.1 0.6564 0.0000 0.6383 0.2459 0.3181
ENSG00000162493.12 0.6019 0.0214 0.6080 0.2072 0.4740
sns.clustermap(selected_genes_expression, figsize=(6,6), z_score=0);

Example 3: The transform parameter

When a TissueSpecificity object is created, the computed tissue-specificity values are transformed so that they fall within 0 (perfectly ubiquitous expression) and 1 (perfectly tissue-specific expression). If the user wants to obtain the untransformed values given by the chosen tissue-specificity metric, he can set the transform argument to False. The following metrics are affected by changes in this parameter: gini, simpson, shannon_specificity, roku_specificity and zscore.

For instance, untransformed values obtained with the roku_specificity method fall within 0 and log2(number of tissues).

tso = tspex.TissueSpecificity(expression_data, 'roku_specificity', log=True)
tso = tspex.TissueSpecificity(expression_data, 'roku_specificity', log=True, transform=False)

Example 4: The threshold parameter of the counts metric

The counts metric quantifies tissue-specificity as the proportion of tissues above a given expression threshold. Consequently, the threshold parameter directly influences the results obtained when using this method.

In this example we will first set threshold to 5. Therefore, genes will be considered expressed in any given tissue if their expression is above this value.

tso = tspex.TissueSpecificity(expression_data, 'counts', threshold=5)
sum(tso.tissue_specificity >= 0.8)
tso.plot_heatmap(0.8, sort_genes=True, use_zscore=True, gene_names=False)

If we increase threshold to 50 fewer genes will be selected.

tso = tspex.TissueSpecificity(expression_data, 'counts', threshold=50)
sum(tso.tissue_specificity >= 0.8)
tso.plot_heatmap(0.8, sort_genes=True, use_zscore=True, gene_names=False)